Who we are / О нас

We are a group of parents, teachers, and community members who got together with the dream to build a great school for our community specifically for our children.

Мы – группа родителей, учителей и членов общины, которые собрались вместе, с мечтой построить отличную школу для нашего многонационального сообщества и особенно для наших детей.

Gedaly Meerovich immigrated from Odessa with his family in 1980. After working for over 20 years as a mechanical engineer, he started the Slavic Community Center in 2003, a not-for-profit organization. He led the organization as its CEO until his retirement. 

In 2012 he founded Nasha Shkola (Our School), a Russian Charter School. Gedaly has three children and five grand-children

Гедалий Меерович иммигрировал из Одессы со своей семьей в 1980 году. Проработав более 20 лет инженером-механиком, в 2003 году он основал некоммерческую организацию «Славянский общественный центр». Он руководил организацией в качестве ее генерального директора до выхода на пенсию.

В 2012 году он основал русскую чартерную школу «Наша школа». У Гедалия трое детей и пятеро внуков.

Daniela Zochinova was born in Novokyibyshevsk, Russia and grew up in Sofia, Bulgaria. She has a master’s degree in Russian Language and Literature from the Sofia University. Daniela moved to the United States in 2014 and
since then had gained extensive experience as a Russian teacher at a Minnesotan Charter School and a Russian Language Immersion in summer camp. She has 2 children that are fluent in Bulgarian, Russian and English.

Svetlana Kazanecki was born in Russia, spent part of her childhood in Kiev, Ukraine and was an exchange student in Germany. She has a Masters of Education degree in Second Languages and Cultures, along with a Minnesota Russian language teaching license K-12. With over 27 years of teaching experience Svetlana has been nurturing the love for the language in hundreds of students in Minnesota since 2006. And it includes teaching Sunday classes at the language school, being a preschool teacher at a bilingual class and teaching 10 years at Minnesota Charter School of Russian Language. Svetlana deeply understands the intricacies of language acquisition as she is also a proud mother of a bilingual child.

Alexej Abyzov is a scientist. He is the head of research laboratory at the Mayo Clinic. His 3 daughters, ages 9-16, are fluent in English, Russian and Japanese. He was a board member at Nasha Shkola for 6 years. 

Алексей Абызов – кандидат естественных наук, учёный, руководитель научной лаборатории в клинике им. Мейо. Отец троих дочерей в возрасте от 9 до 16 лет свободно говорящих на английском, русском и японском. Алексей был в попечительском совете Нашей Школы в течение 6 лет.

Louis Martin is an Architectural Project Designer with a wide range of experience in affordable housing, having worked on several apartment projects throughout the Twin-Cities. He is a Japanese American dual citizen and has two kids, ages 3 and 7, that are fluent in Russian. Grown up in a bilingual family, he is a strong supporter of children developing lifelong language skills.

Луис Мартин – дизайнер архитектурных проектов с большим опытом работы в области доступного жилья, работая над несколькими проектами квартир в районе Twin Cities. Он является двойным гражданином Японии и Америки.Имеет двоих детей в возрасте 3 и 7 лет, которые свободно владеют Русским языком. Вырос в двуязычной семье, он является сторонником изучения разных языков детьми.

Evgueni Serdiouk was born in Kazakhstan and came to the United States as a foreign exchange student. He’s of Russian, Ukrainian ancestry. He loves to read and he wants to contribute to opening the wonderful world of Russian Literature to his children. 

Marisol Serdiouk was born in Mexico and grew up in Southern California. She is a huge proponent of community supported education. She wants to help children who come from immigrant families the way she wished her Spanish speaking family would have been supported in an English only educational system. She is an avid reader and loves listening to all types of music in different languages. She holds a Minnesota Substitute teacher license.

Марисоль Сердюк родилась в Мексике, а выросла в Южной Калифорнии. Она является большим сторонником общественного образования. Будучи выходцем из испаноязычный иммигрантской семьи, Марисоль считает своим долгом помогать детям из семей иммигрантов. В свободное время Марисоль любит читать и слушать музыку самых разных жанров и направлений. Марисоль – дипломированный нештатный преподаватель штата Миннесоты.

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